
Kung Fu Panda: The Master and Warrior

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Chapter 1: Po's chat with Tigress

It had been months since Po defeated Lord Shen and over a year since Tai Lung's defeat in battle.

He now fights the Furious Five Masters: Crane, Viper, Monkey, Mantis and of course, Tigress.

As the Dragon Warrior, Po carried out many missions under the guidance of Master Shifu.

On one warm day in the Training Hall, Master Tigress was facing Master Viper in combat.

Po watched in awe, while scarfing down some dumplings in a bowl with his paws.

"Whoa, awesome." Po said with his mouth full.

"Po!" The red panda interrupted, Po quickly swallowed.

"Yes, Master?" he replied, his eyes jolting back and forth. Tossing the bowl which landed over Mantis, who grumbled as he lifted it.

"Why don't you fight Tigress?"

He noticed the crumbs on the black and white panda,

"Unless the Dragon Warrior is too tired to fight after a long day of eating…"

Po wiped his face and smiled with excitement.

""Nah, I can do it. Okay, let's go!"

Po jumped down as Tigress waited.

"Come on, Po. Show what you got." Her amber eyes glared into his jade eyes.

"Ki-ya!" Po took a fighting stance, they each stood ready.

Tigress gave a strong kick, Po dodged with his paws. He forced a strong punch, she deflected quickly.

The others watched as the two continued fighting. After a few seconds, Po began exhaling heavily.

"Hang on, let me…let me catch my br-breath."

"No time-outs here." Tigress forced both paws to strike, but Po ducked down and kicked her legs. She was falling over until her front paws met the ground and pushed up to land on her feet again.

Master Shifu's voice soon echoed through the hall.

"All right, that's enough for today."

They joined at the door, Shifu stood proudly.

"You've done well today. Now go and have a peaceful night's rest. We have much more to do tomorrow."

Placing his hands together, his students bow in unison.

As everyone walked towards the Jade Palace, Po caught up with Tigress.

"That was awesome! We should again, maybe you and me against Crane or maybe…" She only rolled her eyes as the panda kept talking.

She then slapped a paw over his mouth,

"Po, it's just training. Not real combat."

She walked further away, he quickly caught up.

"Yeah, but training is FOR combat. Can't wait to show Dragon Warrior moves, Hey, Tigress maybe we should-" He was stopped when she looked at him with a piercing stare of anger.

"Stop having this conservation."

Po tried to find a different subject to talk about.

"Well, I heard Mantis and Butterfly are doing good. Looks like you, me, Crane and Mantis are the only ones that aren't in love."

That four letter word made the tiger shudder a little, then she turned to him.

"I already mentioned to you, love slows down the chi so I don't do it."

"Not be in love? Why, it's one of the best feelings…" Remembering Song's betrayal dropped his voice slightly.

"…and sometimes the worst. But why not give it a try and live a little?"

"Mastering Kung Fu and daily training is how I live." Tigress retorted.

"No, come on. There's gotta be something you besides Kung Fu." She grew more impatient.


She soon did a few quick moves and pinned him to the ground.

"How about using you…to practice with?"

"No, no, no, no…I get it." Po replied in his struggling voice.

Po stood up and watched Tigress enter the Palace alone. He then saw the Sacred Hall of Warriors, and got an idea.

"That's it!" He quickly headed there.

He founded a red wooden box and opened the lid to find a deep red, polished stone.

"I'm Master Shifu wouldn't mind me borrowing this for a while."

Stuffing the stone away, he headed to the Dining area and prepared his Noodle bowl dinner for the Five.

Author's Note:
I DO NOT own Kung Fu Panda movies, series or any of the characters except the ones I made for this story.

The Shift Stone is dark red and polished, an object Po used during KFP series: Legends of Awesomeness in "Jailhouse Panda". I don't the stone either, though it'd be awesome if I did.

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

© 2011 - 2024 airbender01
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